Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Digital Story

For the digital story I'm going to work on "Places We've Built" in Kalamazoo, is that okay? It'd probably be easiest if we all just stick with the same branch of our project.

Google Documents Idea

I was thinking that maybe we could have our "students" compare and contrast the lives of people in Kalamazoo with ones of those from a different country. They could pick any country that they want and they could contrast the daily lives of these two people. How much money on average the family/person makes, what foods they eat, what they do for fun, how long they go to school, the average jobs, etc. This would be relatively easy because you could find a ton of information on this online. This would be a great way to educate students about other countries and at the same time the students would realize how privileged they are. I remember doing this in elementary school, what do you think?

Module 4 Google Document

I tried following the directions that are on Moodle but I don't think that I have created the file successfully. I created a document (i think) but not an actual file. I am so lost. Someone else want to give it a try? This is what I wrote in the document anyways...

These were the 2 ideas that popped into my head right away when I looked at the assignment:

1. Have students talk to other students from Detroit. Compare histories regarding the auto industry and how it effected the city. Then compare how the auto industry is now and how it is currently effecting the city.
2. Have students talk to other students from some Western or some Eastern states. Our city has some history with Native Americans so we could see how that differs with a state that had encounters with Native Americans way before or way after we did. They would also be different tribes so that would be different. The statue in downtown Kalamazoo has some violent (I’m pretty sure it’s violent) history regarding this.

I am just fine with either idea or any other ideas that you guys might have.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

New Websites!

Crap! I didn't read that we couldn't use the websites from our lesson plan, so here are three more!




My Websites For Evaluation!





I put 4 because I see that I have the same website as someone else, but it is a different part of it. So, just incase I'll do 4!

Amanda's Websites for Evaluation!

These are my websites, they are different than what has already been posted so if there is any problems or I am covering the wrong topics! Thanks. Here they are:




Friday, May 27, 2011

Lesson Plan

Sorry I haven't been on here in a while, it's been a busy week! I have three online classes so trying to keep up with all of the work is proving to be a little bit difficult. To be honest, I haven't yet started my lesson plan, but I see that I have the "Places We've Built" branch, right? I'll probably get back on here tomorrow or Sunday, but I just wanted to update you guys to let you know I'm still alive. :)

My Websites for Evaluation

These are my websites for evaluation. I used specific ones to my topic so that it will hopefully not "steal" any of the websites that you guys wanted to use.


Web Evaluation

Your lesson plan looks great! Good job, and for the websites you have on your lesson plan are those the websites you are doing for your "Web Evaluation"? I am just curious because I am finding websites for my Lesson Plan right now and not positive if they go along with the web evaluation part as well?

Thursday, May 26, 2011

My lesson Plan

This is my lesson plan guys. I think that I am doing it right (for the most part?) I just can't figure out how to work the rubric part at the very end, I emailed the professor to see if she could help. How does it look? How are yours going for you?


Our History - Things We Created

Author: Kathleen Disney  05/26/2011 03:26:00 PM EDT
TaskStream - Advancing Educational Excellence

Elementary, History, Social Studies
Things created during out town's history.
Students will gain an understanding of their town's historic inventions, the use of a hotlist for research, and create a visual aid to present the information.
Students will research items that were made/manufactured in thier home town using a hot list.
Students will reseach images and facts of items made/manufactured in their home towns using a hot list.
Students will create a visual report on items made in their home town using Power Point.
Students will present their completed presentations to their class.
Students will use a hotlist to find and present information.
This is the second lesson plan in a unit about the students' home town history. The first was Places We Built, and the last is The Dreams We Shared.
Day 1:
Discuss with students what they already know about their own town's history or any things that we are known for making.
Take students to the computer lab, where the media specialist will review with them Safe Surfing on the Web.
The media specialist will also show students how to use the hot list..
Hand out floppy disks to students and review with them how to save information to their floppy disks.
Students will have small amount of time to research, then class will save together.
Collect floppy disks.
Take students back to the classroom and discuss what they found out about the topic or any problems they had with the technology tools.
Day Two:
Hand out floppy disks to students.
Take students to the computer lab to continue research.
Save work to floppy disks and collect.
Return to classroom and discuss possible ways to present information to the class using Power Point.
Day Three:
Hand out floppy disks to students.
Take students to the computer lab to finish research and print materials for presentations.
Begin work in Power Point.
Save work, collect floppy disks, and return to class.
Discuss any problems students are having with Power Point and share ideas.
Day Four:
Pass out floppy disks and take students to computer lab.
Continue and finish work on presentations made with Power Point.
Save work on floppy disks, collect disks, and return to class.
Days 5-6:
Pass out floppy disks and take students to computer lab where they will present thier Power Point presentations.
The computer lab is set up for students with physical disabilities.  The classroom aid with assist students with learning disabilities.
This lesson has not been taught yet so there are no students examples.
Students will work individually.
6 class periods. 35 Min. per class.
Remember to make appointment with media specialist and to reserve the computer lab for 6 days.
  • Technology resources:
    Firefox, PowerPoint
  • The number of computers required is 1 per student.
  • Students Familiarity with Software Tool:
    Students already know how to use Power Point and follow links online, but some of them might need assistance or a reminder.
  • Reserve computer lab for 6 days.
MI- Michigan Grade Level Content Expectations
• Subject Social Studies
• Grade Grade Three: Michigan Studies
• Strand History
• Topic H3 History of Michigan (Through Statehood)
 Expectation 3 – H3.0.1 Identify questions historians ask in examining the past in Michigan (e.g., What happened? When did it happen? Who was involved? How and why did it happen?)
 Expectation 3 – H3.0.7 Use a variety of primary and secondary sources to construct a historical narrative about daily life in the early settlements of Michigan (pre-statehood).
 Expectation 3 – H3.0.8 Use case studies or stories to describe how the ideas or actions of individuals affected the history of Michigan.

USA- ISTE: National Educational Technology Standards for Students: The Next Generation
• Standard 1. Creativity and Innovation- Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology.
 Indicator Students: b. create original works as a means of personal or group expression.
• Standard 2. Communication and Collaboration- Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others.
 Indicator Students: b. communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats.
• Standard 3. Research and Information Fluency- Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information.
 Indicator Students: c. evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the appropriateness to specific tasks.
 Indicator Students: b. locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media.
• Standard 5. Digital Citizenship- Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and ethical behavior.
 Indicator Students: c. demonstrate personal responsibility for lifelong learning.
• Standard 6. Technology Operations and Concepts- Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems and operations.
 Indicator Students: a. understand and use technology systems.